American Gothic 1995

Drama Horror Thriller

A quiet and seemingly quaint small town is ruled over by its charming yet evil sheriff who uses his demonic powers to remove anyone who dares standing in his way. The only one he does fear is a young boy whom he fathered through rape.

Tous les titres
  • US: American Gothic American Gothic
  • EE: Põrguvürst Põrguvürst
  • FI: Piru irti Piru irti
  • FR: American Gothic American Gothic
  • DE: American Gothic - Prinz der Finsternis American Gothic - Prinz der Finsternis
  • NO: Sheriffen av Trinity Sheriffen av Trinity
  • RU: Шериф из преисподней Шериф из преисподней
  • ES: América oculta América oculta
  • ES: La mirada del mal La mirada del mal
Date de sortie 22 Sep 1995
Lien IMDb
